In the late 1920s and early 1930s, the company printed colored labels of all kinds for all kinds of products. Two lalrge sample books of the printing of those years still exist. Paging through those books reveals a Japan very different indeed from today’s Japanese highteck trade hegemony. The labels include those for neckties, cigarette papers, fruit juices and concentrates, flypaper, and other such small everyday things.
The vigorous designs of these labels are prticularly well-conceived and crafted. There is a lot of art deco typography in both Japanese and roman typefaces, and some of this is excellent work. A careful look reveals that alphabet letters have all been hand-copied, each one individually, almost certainly by printers who could not read them. There is no mechanical regularity, yet the designs of labels and use of type are alive and fresh. At that time, there were no“designers”per se,just printer and client, or printer and the company that jobbed out the label work. Design was just kind of worked out between printer
and label user or, sometimes, invented by the printer, not the product of a
high-priced specialist.
With such simple work, and the careful policy of keeping the company small, a comfortable living was possible in those years, and in 1935 a plot of land was purchased in Outer Kanda (now Akihabara)-the site of the present plant-and a wooden frame building was constructed. The number of lithograph presses remained just two.